Monday 13 November 2023

The seven waterfalls

Our next destination was the town of Cafayate, the largest wine producing town in the area and a great place to overeat and, of course, drink! However, we didn’t just laze around eating and drinking all day long. We also braved the 4-hours trek to the 7 waterfalls!

The start of the trek was near the town and, at first, was wide and easy. The path soon though became smaller and began winding up the lush, green valley like a snake. We soon reached the first waterfall which was quite small, and a morsel compared to the others we were about to see. The path became trickier, and more scrambling had to be done to find our way to the next waterfall. This one was bigger and had a deeper pool to swim in, but we decided to continue up the path, half climbing half walking.

After the fourth waterfall, the path became even more tricky and so we left Ioanna behind in some shade (she said she didn’t feel sufficiently like a goat on that particular day), continuing on over big rocks, crossing rivers until we finally reached the seventh largest and coldest waterfall on this trek. Ismene and I tried to dip in the pool of the waterfall, but it was painfully cold and we came out immediately. Dan, on the other hand, like the lunatic he is, swam straight out into the waterfall, lasting for five-seconds before he came out shivering.

When we came down again to the fourth waterfall, we picked up Ioanna and had a refreshing swim jumping off rocks and into the cool water.

Having completed this amazingly hard trek, we felt exhausted from the climb, and parched from the heat, so we made our way to the nearest bodega to do what locals and tourists do: eat and drink looking over the endless rows of vines. It seems there is no escape to the overeating in South America, but you definitely won’t hear me complaining about this. Bye for now!


  1. What a great adventure! Very much enjoying reading your posts. Love to all from the Keenans xxx

  2. thanks for another lively account. I bet we've seen more water than you recently, most of it falling as rain that is too much for the drains. lots of love to you all, Sal
