Wednesday 29 November 2023

Our three favourite things from Bolivia's second capital!

(outside La Paz having reached 12000kms)

... and that is if I'm only allowed to chose three as La Paz (meaning Our Lady of Peace in Spanish) was totally and utterly amazing!! The second capital of Bolivia inhabited by almost 2 million people was great fun to visit, and here are my three favourite things to do:

1. The city's buzz! We walked La Paz's streets and travelled its' 40 km long teleferic system and the buzz was just terrific. The streets were alive and there was a general feeling of happiness.  Another thing I loved was that almost everybody said good day to each other, and greeted others with a big smile!

2. The 3rd Valle de la Luna. You know that we have already visited 2 Valle de la Lunas on our trip (one in Chile and one in Argentina) and here in La Paz we visited our third! With a brilliant view of the city, this Valle de la Luna may be the best one yet! Walking through the high spires and around the many holes was definitely a highlight of our stay!
3.    The experimental food! We didn't go to many restaurants in La Paz but this restaurant (although the food may have been a bit odd for me at times) was a brilliant part of our stay! The lucky thing was, that although they didn't have a table for 4, we were asked to sit at the chef's bar and watched each meal be prepared and served! It was so incredible to observe all the young chefs and their amazing teamwork as everyone had their own job (or thing to prepare) working towards the final masterpiece! The highlight was of course the deserts! Yum yum yum!

The weather has now changed and there's more rain. We don't know what we're doing next (we might stay in Bolivia or cross to Peru if the rain persists) but I hope it's fun!

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a wonderful experience. Love it. Just discovered a whole lot of your blogs in my junk - outrageous - so I'll be spending some fine time beside the fire reading your blogs :-) It is freezing here! Scandinavian temperatures.
    I have been meaning to ask you Orestis where were you when the Argentinian presidential results were announced. I have a feeling you might have been in Argentina. If you were, what was the feeling there? Lots of love to you all. Margl xxxx
